I had my growth scan yesterday and he's measuring at 5lbs already! Gadzooks! He's huge! No wonder I'm limping around. If he gains half a lb going fwd he'll be about 8 lbs or so at birth. I know these scans aren't always very accurate, however, this has me a bit concerned. Especially if he is MORE than 8lbs at birth!
Anywhoo, he was rolling around flailing his arms and legs and opening his mouth. The tech was getting frustrated b/c she couldn't get good measurements of his arms/legs it was funny! Guess he was waving at us :-)
He appears to have a slightly pointy chin which his father seems to believe I have too.... I'm not sure I agree, however we shall soon see!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
32 week belly shot & Survey
- How Far Along? 32 weeks
- Symptoms: Fatigue, general achiness
- Total Weight Gain/Loss: -2 lbs as of last appointment.
- Sleep: It's been pretty good lately.
- Food Cravings: none.
- Food Aversions: same.
- Best Moment This Week: This week has been uneventful
- Movement: Non-stop
- Labor Signs: NONE
- Gender: BOY OH BOY
- Belly Button In Or Out? Outtie
- What I Miss: being able to move around without waddling
- What I Am Looking Forward To: seeing his little face
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
9 weeks left!
I'm in my 31st week and ironically I feel much better than I have most of the pregnancy. Not so tired/lethargic (Dr. put me on some iron supplement and I believe that has helped tremendously). I also think the weather is playing a major role in this, spring has finally sprung (unofficially) the sun is out longer and I'm so excited about that!
I had a Dr.'s appointment today and she said he looks perfect. He's head down, lots of movement, and my stomach measured right on point as well. I however lost 2 lbs. I wasn't at all alarmed to hear this because of course during the winter I tend to layer up, tights under my jeans, shirts under my sweaters paired with a pair of knee high boots. All of that extra clothing & shoes weighs quite a bit, I always notice a difference in my weight when I get on the scale naked vs fully clothed w/shoes on! I asked the midwife about it and she did mention that although my weight gain hasn't been exceptional, I gained majority of my weight early on in the pregnancy, and I'm on target so if I don't gain much more that would be fine. So far I've gained 17lbs.
9 more weeks to go I reckon I'll gain about 5-7 more maybe 10.... In 2 weeks I'll do my final growth scan to see how much he's gained and then we wait!!
Last night Baby's grandma ordered our crib/changer combo & mattress. I'm excited!!
Here's a pic of the crib. While this isn't the one I wanted (one I wanted was out of stock) this one appears to be cute and has good reviews, can't wait till it arrives and we put it up!
Till next time
Thursday, March 8, 2012
30 week update

How Far Along? 30 weeks
Symptoms: Fatigue, general achiness
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2 lbs this month.
Sleep: It's been pretty good lately.
Food Cravings: Fruit.
Food Aversions: same
Best Moment This Week: having my first fight with the L.O. (he kept pushing his foot out & i kept pushing it back down, he won, I gave up! Stubborn little boy! )
Movement: Non stop
Labor Signs: NONE
Gender: BOY OH BOY
Belly Button In Or Out? Totally out
What I Miss: my flat belly
What I Am Looking Forward To: seeing his little face
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