Dear Non-Pregnant Person,
I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women, as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn’t mean me – then you should probably read this twice.
1. The appropriate response to a person telling you they are having a baby is ‘Congratulations!’ with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you a jerk.
2. Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father – not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase ‘my baby’.
3. On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth, and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it…
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Dear Non-Pregnant Person,
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I passed!!!!
Yayyyyyy I passed my glucose test!! woohooooo!!! BUT I'm a bit anemic booooo! Dr. is calling in a rx. I'm just soooo happy I don't have to do that nasty 3 hour test!! Now I'll celebrate by eating a whole juniors strawberry cheesecake!!
28 weeks pregnant,
glucose test,
Sunday, February 19, 2012
One hour glucose test
On Saturday I took my glucose test. I spent the whole entire week stressing out over it. I heard it was oh so nasty, thick and just all around gross so I wasn't looking forward to it.... At all! I made my appointment for first thing saturday morning I figured i'd get it out of the way and I'd be fine.
I decided to go with the lemon/lime flavor because my sister told me the orange was really disgusting. So at 8:15 am I got out of the bed and chugged this nastiness down. It actually wasn't THAT bad. It tasted like flat sprite on my first gulp. After that first gulp however I started gagging, but I made sure I kept it down because I was told if I threw it up I'd have to do it again. I quickly finished it up, showered, got dressed and off to the Dr.'s office I went. They drew 2 vials of blood and now I wait..... I'm praying I pass this test because I do NOT want to take the 3 hour test! Pray for me.
27 weeks pregnant,
blood test,
gestational diabetes,
mommy blogger,
third trimester
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Few purchases & freebies
Oh the joys of working in the world of social media! There are always tons of events where you get all this cool free swag. The lovely mommy blogger Holly Pavlika and I happen to work together and a few weeks ago she happened to have attended an even hosted by Jessica Alba. Apparently she has a new line of organic diapers and all natural baby products and since Holly has big kids, when she got the gift box she thought of me! I was so excited when she walked over to my desk and plopped this stuff on my desk. First the gift bag/box is so cute!
Once I finally got it open it had these adorable diapers inside. The boys diapers were plaid, some were skull and cross bone and the other had a nautical theme goin on and the girls diapers were pink with a floral print, one with pink stars and one with ice cream cones. Too cute!
In addition to the diapers there was a small pack of wipes and a box of the all natural products in sample size
I thought the whole thing was adorable. Kudos to whomever came up with the idea for the gift boxes, very very cute. They also included a little brochure introducing the line and explaining what everything was bla bla bla
I also scored this style manual from Holly as well. She's hosting this awesome fashion show featuring all moms and someone sent this over to her in the mail and I happened to have been around as she opened it and she gave it to me to read over.
lots of style tips, if only I had an awesome maternity wardrobe or if my tummy wasn't so huge I'd probably have more of a desire to try to put some of these outfits together. I did however get a few tips that I have and will be using. Thanks again!!
Then the other day we decided, (I have issues accepting expensive gifts from people) that we would go to buy buy baby and start purchasing a few things for the little tummy dweller. For a while now I've been eyeing the Britax B-agile stroller and B-safe car seat travel system so we went ahead and purchased it. We also purchased the Avent isis twin electric breast pump, and a box of nursing pads to avoid any leaks, and because I didn't want to put any newborn diapers on my gift registry for fear that I'd wind up with tons of them, I got one box of newborn diapers. I feel much better knowing that I have a few things for baby besides clothing now.
The other item I was planning on purchasing myself was the crib and mattress, however, baby's paternal grandma has expressed that she would like to purchase it as a gift for us. The crib that I really took a liking to and had great reviews was the Graco Stanton crib. It's quite inexpensive but the reviews were pretty amazing, everyone stated that it looked just like if not better than the more expensive ones and it was really easy to put together and sturdy.
This weekend we're gonna start painting annnnnd the nesting begins!
baby boy,
baby bump,
baby stuff,
breast pump,
car seat,
fashion show,
jessica alba,
maternity clothes,
pregnancy fashion,
26 week belly shot
26 weeks pregnant,
baby boy,
baby bump,
belly shot,
26 Week update
So sorry I'm so late in updating! I've been so tired and busy lately I haven't had the time.

How Far Along? 26 weeks
Symptoms: Fatigue, general achiness
Total Weight Gain/Loss: only gained one lb this month woohoo!!
Sleep: Varies, some days I sleep well, others, not so much.
Food Cravings: orange juice (normally hate OJ) & I'm obsessed with cereal.
Food Aversions: same
Best Moment This Week: seeing the LO at todays dr appt
Movement: I have Jackie Chan in there
Labor Signs: NONE
Gender: BOY OH BOY
Belly Button In Or Out? outtie, it's kinda cute though!
What I Miss: sleeping on my belly
What I Am Looking Forward To: Meeting him
Weekly Wisdom: Take your time.
26 weeks pregnant,
baby boy,
baby bump,
food aversions,
pregnancy survey,
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